Once again, I took advantage of the 3 for 2 at Waterstones. I bought Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri. I loved The Namesake, and this one is good, although quite sad. It is a compilation of short stories describing the differences in experiences of immigrant parents and their children. They just all seemed to be a bit lost. It was engrossing though and very vivid. I felt that all the characters were so real, and perhaps that is what made me feel quite emotional about it.
The next book I read was, The Forgotten Garden by Kate Morton. I loved this one and became completely lost in the creativity. The story was so clever, jumping through three generations, across two continents, while unravelling a mystery, and changing complete writing style, by including fairy tales, created by a fictional author. It was just fantastic, and the fairy tales, so beautiful. I just couldn't put it down.
CfP #47: Lug und Trug (im Wissenschaftssystem)
3 months ago