I forgot to provide an update about my
Amazon Kindle. It is going well. I had a bit of a hiccup when it kept on crashing, but I think that was because I was expecting it to be as fast as a computer. It isn't. It isn't slow though, just requires some adjusting too. Anyway, I finished
Sherlock Holmes and really enjoyed it, part from the last story, which was just a bit too gruesome! Now I am reading
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen, and I am really enjoying that one too. I can see that you might be wondering when I am doing my PhD reading. I have a system. My outgoing train journey to work is when I do this reading because my mind is fresher. It works well. I can highlight and make notes very easily and then I can type these up at the weekend. My home journey is when I do my pleasure reading with my Kindle, and then when I am at home, I read my paperbacks. It is all working out well.