Those of you who know me will know that I am a HUGE fan of the
Twilight series, written by Stephenie Meyer.
Host is written for adults, whereas Twilight was aimed at teenagers, and i think that you can notice a difference. It has taken me a long time to consider reading Host, I guess, because I didn't want to be disappointed. Anyway, I finally succumbed and added it to my 3 for 2 purchases, and well, wow...I was very pleasantly surprised. It is different from the Twilight series and quite sci-fi, which is not my usual genre. However, it does tackle the related issue of inter-species relationships. I found it really thought-provoking and so imaginative as the author describes the populations on different planets, and the differences in emotions of each species. It was also very much a love story, and I really wondered how the author would work it out so that everyone would end up happy. The ending did not disappoint. I really recommend reading Host. It is unusual, a bit slow to start, but completely captivating.