Well, after I finished Charmed Life, I couldn't find anything else to read, so I re-read some old favourites, including Anne Tyler, Alice Hoffman, Peanuts, and Asterix and Obelix. A friend of mine, has recommended "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." The film is one of my favourites, so I must get a copy of this book. I have however, just finished a fabulous book: The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield. It was fantastic, the intrigue and twists, and it was beautifully written. I have to admit, I couldn't get started with it at first, but I think that was my frame of mind and not the fault of the book, because a couple of weeks later, I started it again, and was gripped to the extent that the book came with me everywhere so that I could carry on reading whenever I had a break. The characters were brilliant, and the final twists were completely unpredictable.
I did forget to mention another book that I greatly enjoyed, and that was The Savage Garden by Mark Mills. I read this quite recently, and it was set in Italy and described the interpretation of the design of a landscaped garden, and the resulting torrid love affair. Again, full of mystery and intrigue, with wonderfully, rich characters.
CfP #47: Lug und Trug (im Wissenschaftssystem)
3 months ago