Well, I am still on my Agatha Christie fest, but after the last one, I am going to digress somewhat because I found it quite disturbing. The one I read previously,
Sparkling Cyanide, was really good, and I really could not work out who the murderer was until it all came together at the end. It was a really good mystery and I really enjoyed it. Then, I read
Endless Night, which was very interesting. It reminded me very much of
books by F Scott Fitzgerald. I don't want to spoil anything, but it was different to the other AC books that I have read. For a start, the murder didn't happen until the end. And I was so surprised! I knew something was going to happen and I had my suspicions about who would be involved, but I was really shocked about how events unfurled. It is a good read, but I did find it sinister and sad. There is no graphic violence, but it is sad that innocence is harmed and that people can be influenced so much by money. Anyway, I do recommend it but it does make you think...who can you trust?