Lots going on, and although time to read, no time to blog. I am currently re-reading old favourites, which includes the Harry Potter series. When they first came out, I just could not get into them, but about a year and a half ago, I started reading them, and couldn't stop. My least favourite is the Order of the Phoenix, not because it is a bad book, but because I find Professor Umbridge really disturbing, but then I am a bit of a scaredy cat! I really enjoyed the Half Blood Prince, but I think my favourite is the Goblet of Fire. JK Rowling has a great website, really well-designed.
On a sadder note, I read Alice Hoffman's book "At Risk" a story, written in the 1980's about an eleven year old girl who contracts AIDS after receiving a contaminated blood transfusion. It is so moving, and describes the stigma associated with AIDS.
CfP #47: Lug und Trug (im Wissenschaftssystem)
3 months ago